Archive for the 'Big Brother' Category
Thursday, June 25th, 2009
Utah’s U.S. senators say they want Congress to investigate the actions of federal agents who arrested two dozen people — four of them older than 70 — June 10 in an investigation of the “theft” of ancient artifacts in the Four Corners region. A day later, one of the men arrested, a prominent local doctor, […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, History, Law Enforcement, Private Property, Public Land
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009
Remember the huge controversy brewed by congressional Democrats when president George W. Bush’s Justice Department dismissed seven United States Attorneys on Dec. 7, 2006? Democrats conveniently ignored the fact their unlikely hero, President Bill Clinton, had sought the resignations of all 93 U.S. attorneys — including one who had been probing some of the crimes […]
Full Article Categories: 2008 Election, Big Brother, Due Process
Sunday, June 21st, 2009
We’re now instructed there are some functions which just have to be funded by government taxes — there’s simply no other way to do it. Courts, police, fire departments, ambulances …
Full Article Categories: 2008 Election, Big Brother
Tuesday, June 16th, 2009
Last week the U.S. Senate sent to the White House and President Barack Obama signed a bill that will allow the federal Food & Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products for the first time. Those who fight to stop Americans from using tobacco cheered. The change means flavored cigarettes will be banned, they asserted; advertising […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Drug War
Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
In old-fashioned retailing, it’s called the “Bait ’n Switch.” Advertise a product at an unheard-of low price to draw in the shoppers. Once they arrive, the salesman goes to work, showing them how they can get SO much more value for their money if they’ll just “step up” to the next higher quality model, at […]
Full Article Categories: 2008 Election, Big Brother, Economics
Friday, May 22nd, 2009
“Obama’s new rules will transform U.S. auto fleet,” read the May 19 headline. “Some soccer moms will have to give up hulking SUVs,” explained Associated Press auto writer Tom Krisher, fanning himself to keep from flushing with excitement. “Nearly everybody else will drive smaller cars, and more of them will run on electricity. The higher […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Energy, Extreme Green, Transportation
Sunday, May 17th, 2009
The Charleston Antique Mall is one of those seven-day-a-week outfits that rents out space to 45 or so independent antique vendors. Think Victorian furniture, Depression glass, Coca-Cola collectibles, old Elvis records. Proprietor Cal Tully says the mall is doing fine, despite the current economic squeeze — maybe because of it. (Full disclosure: The brunette sells […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Economics, Private Property
Saturday, May 9th, 2009
The Interior Department is directing more than $300 million in federal “economic stimulus” money to the Bureau of Land Management to update its facilities, roads and trails and jump-start renewable energy projects across the country, said Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, honking and clapping like a trained seal here on Saturday, May 2. Secretary Salazar said […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Public Land
Saturday, April 18th, 2009
Back in March, an unnamed Missouri police officer leaked to the press a report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) — part of the law enforcement “fusion” effort now being organized by the Department of Homeland Security around the country — titled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated Feb. 20, 2009. The MIAC […]
Full Article Categories: 2nd Amendment, Big Brother
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
President Obama last week accused the Bush administration of creating a “hazard to public health” by failing to curb food contamination problems. Mr. Bush’s successor announced he will form a “Food Safety Working Group” to “upgrade our food safety laws for the 21st century.” Money came up. The president will ask Congress for $1 billion […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Science