Archive for the 'Religion' Category
What If The Choice Is Between God And Government? From Where Does YOUR Authority Derive?
Wednesday, August 30th, 2017(Brunette here.) Are you skeptical about religion? Yes? . . . me too. Are you equally skeptical of Atheism? (Ditto.) Atheism seems quite popular at present; I take no issue with individual atheists, though evangelizing atheists (evangelists of any sort, frankly) DO irk me. Faith is an extremely personal thing to those who possess it. […]
What do you get when you refuse to let a patient, reasonable, well-armed majority order a course change by winning an election?
Sunday, August 13th, 2017Human Wrongs: Are The Most Vulnerable Voices To Be Silenced? Why? And By Whom?
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017(Brunette here.) Tyranny heralds its arrival first through confiscation of speech — via Orwellian inversion of language, and/or suppression of undesirable voices ‘by any means necessary,’ whether subtle or brutal or BOTH. If you want to determine who the aspiring tyrants are in a given society, and who they intend to oppress, look around to […]
Trump: Love The Man, or Loathe Him? (Or, The Art of The Real Deal)
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017(Brunette again.) The fog of war — largely an information war — will eventually clear. We’ve been in the thick of it for some time now. The long dominant left-leaning media has everyone’s heads spinning with more Russia hysteria, spurious rumors based on anonymous sources, breathless speculations about who’s in or out (or at each […]
Trump: Touchstone, or Rorschach Test?
Tuesday, June 6th, 2017(Brunette here.) I’ll admit, initially I wasn’t a big Trump fan. I didn’t take serious interest in the Donald until after the Wikileaks Podesta emails (and Pizzagate/Pedogate) had broken. I’d never had much reason to think about the man, pay attention to him, take him seriously. But I’d always disliked the Clintons, and after watching […]
Tired of winning, yet? ‘Man-made Global Warming’ hoax going down like the Titanic
Wednesday, February 8th, 2017Don’t know if you noticed, but on Feb. 4, Britain’s Daily Mail revealed in a very splashy way that the Global Warming hoaxsters have been fudging their data AGAIN.
Pizzagate: Too evil to be true?
Saturday, December 17th, 2016No one wants Pizzagate to be true. (Brunette here.) When something’s “too good to be true,” of course, it usually is . . . but what about something that seems too evil — too horrific, disturbing — to be true?
Trump doomed by fatal surge in polls as Mrs. Clinton recovers from that little ‘stumble’
Saturday, September 17th, 2016How deeply are the New York-based Lamestream Media in the bag for Hillary Clinton?
Links, for a change . . . (9/06/16)
Tuesday, September 6th, 2016(Brunette here. I’ve been thinking about doing occasional just-links posts — with minimal commentary — for some time, and finally decided to try it. You can encourage or discourage us by clicking away, and/or commenting below.) LEFT-BEHIND LIBERTARIANS