Archive for the 'Economics' Category
What’s wrong?! Why isn’t it working?! All these rubes should have abandoned Trump by now!
Wednesday, February 10th, 2021COVID has killed 9,200 Americans who weren’t likely to die soon of other causes. Only an enemy would use this as an excuse to isolate us, destroy our liberties & shut down our small-business economy
Monday, December 28th, 2020The scam collapses
Monday, August 31st, 2020Who stood to gain by panicking the nation & shutting down our entire economy, over an epidemic that will likely kill fewer Americans than the ‘regular old flu’?
Friday, March 20th, 2020I’m sure it says in the Constitution ‘The President’s motives must be Politically Correct.’ Keep looking, it has to be in there somewhere . . .
Friday, June 28th, 2019The Supreme Court On June 27 — with Flopping Fish John Roberts joining the mostly geriatric liberals — ruled that, by law, the Commerce Department can place any questions it wants on its decennial Census forms, but then proceeded to remand the case of the supposedly controversial “citizenship” question back to the lower court, on […]
What traitor, with nothing but manufactured ‘evidence’ she’d paid for, called the President of the United States a Russian agent?
Tuesday, March 26th, 2019Now that the most ruthless, despicable, roust-them-out-of-bed-in-the-middle-of-the-night, threaten-to-indict-their-wives-and-kids prosecutors that the scum at the DOJ and FBI could come up with have thrown up their hands and admitted it was all a scam, let’s not forget who launched the “Trump is a Russian agent” hoax.
‘That’ll screw up all our arrangements’
Wednesday, December 5th, 2018And so the wailing begins, the mainstream media claiming they’re worried that China has duped the Trump team, that the Chinese will never follow through on the promises they made at that now-famous Dec. 1 dinner in Argentina (sirloin steak, in case you were wondering, salad with basil mayonnaise, caramel rolled pancakes) . . .
Where does the ‘Canadian steel’ come from?
Sunday, June 10th, 2018I swear, if I hear one more major-network American TV debater (they pretend to be “interviewers,” but they’re not interested in helping facilitate any Trump administration “guest’s” EXPLANATION of our current trade policies — they’re there to argue, with a scripted list of “positions” all ready for the shouting) echo the Trudeau-Soros globalist line on […]
These aren’t ‘interviews.’ These guys are just there to shout you down
Monday, March 5th, 2018I’ve been interviewed plenty of times — mostly on the radio. I’ve even conducted an interview, here and there.