Archive for the 'Books' Category

Keys to Success in School (SIGNED)

Friday, December 7th, 2018

(Offered for sale at: )

We also sell books, by the way

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017

A dozen recent listings of interest at: . . . Click title to reach original listing (with further illustrations) or to buy.

It’s April, we’re back

Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

And so March has sped by. The better part of a week was consumed trying to find someone at GoDaddy who could explain why their offer to convert this site to a “secure format”, um . . . didn’t work. (Seems a “plug-in” was required — a fact known only to one guy they keep […]

‘We’ll see. We couldn’t help her any more than we have, she’s gotten just a free ride so far from the media; we’re the biggest ones promotin’ her campaign’

Friday, October 21st, 2016

CNN news reader Chris Cuomo admitted it on camera, TWO YEARS AGO, on June 9, 2014, when the cable network started boosting Hillary (even before she’d officially announced her latest candidacy) by giving free coverage to the launch of the latest book the Marxist wealth-redistributor supposedly “wrote,” the snoozefest “Hard Choices: A Memoir” (this one […]

The endorsement is not necessarily for the policies of Trump, but for ‘the process’ of Trump

Friday, July 29th, 2016

A lonely voice in long-socialist (and thus long-declining) Britain, Sean Gabb is often worth a look. Recently, he steered readers to Ilana Mercer’s latest book, on The Donald:

The right to secede

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

I’ve been reading in Thomas DiLorenzo’s 2012 hardback from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, “Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government.” The book features brief summary chapters, with useful references, from the Loyola University economics professor, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, and member of the Mont Pelerin Society, weighing in on such topics as […]

‘We’d be discarding them, anyway’

Friday, February 19th, 2016

The Library of Congress announced a few years back that it will now archive the collected works of Twitter, the cell-phone text messaging service, whose users currently send a daily flood of 55 million messages, none containing more than 140 characters.

Another hour with Ernie

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

Vin spent another 90 minutes on the air with Ernest Hancock in Phoenix, Arizona, Wednesday (Jan. 20.) The subject of The Miskatonic Manuscript came up, along with the Drug War (of course); the unfounded claim that the federal government “owns” 53 percent of the state of Oregon; the mandatory government youth propaganda camps (“public schools”) […]

A journey that challenges our sensibilities

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Doug French, former president of the Mises Institute, posts a new review of The Miskatonic Manuscript at .

Miskatonic Manuscript, Q&A part 4

Monday, January 4th, 2016

(This is the fourth part of a week-long Q&A with Vin about his new novel, “The Miskatonic Manuscript,” continuing the adventures of rare books sleuths Matthew Hunter and Chantal Stevens, this time carrying them far beyond peaceful Providence, Rhode Island. The Q&A series begins here.)