Archive for the 'Readers Write' Category
It’s a culture war. The cities are the enemy’s bridgeheads, the government schools their training camps, ‘The news’ their propaganda arm
Wednesday, February 20th, 2019Correspondents Rene Hartman and Bill Hodges responded to my Monday post by asserting the Republican — and even the Libertarian — parties are (have become?) just as bad as the far-left Democrats.
Hit-And-Run Leftism: A Response to [Redacted]
Monday, June 19th, 2017Brunette here again. Guess I’m in an uncharacteristically chatty mood lately . . . not to worry, Vin will be back. And I’ll revert to my usual quieter self sooner or later. 😉
Is Donald the GOP’s Doctor Doom?
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016A friend who’s a Republican (hey, no one’s perfect) writes to ask: “In your opinion, with The Donald at the GOP’s helm, are we doomed? I say nay, but others say oh hell yes. I think Hillary is too unsavory for most to support while the Donald’s brashness appeals to the lowest (voting) common denominator. […]
They’re ‘NOT in jail for possession of marijuana or any other harmless, non-addictive, plant-derived substance’
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016A reader of my May 10 column in “Firearms News” (formerly “Shotgun News”) — the one headlined “Donald Trump On Guns” — wrote in: “The column started off great, but as we got closer and closer to the end Vin apparently got wound up listening to his own rhetoric.
Book-buying 101: What does ‘good’ mean?
Saturday, June 6th, 2015I sell books both online ( and in our brick and mortar bookstore, inside the Charleston Antique Mall in Las Vegas.
‘Entheogenic-Religious Fiction’
Saturday, March 14th, 2015Thomas B. Roberts, professor emeritus at Northern Illinois University, edited the books “The Psychedelic Future of the Mind” and “Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion,” the latter of which was acknowledged as a valuable source in my latest novel, “The Testament of James.” Dr. Roberts (no known relation to the Beatles’ Doctor Robert) was […]
‘A natural and, perhaps, even necessary component of spirituality’
Thursday, February 19th, 2015Out of Wyoming, firm proponent of self-ownership Mama Liberty has weighed in with a thoughtful commentary on “The Testament of James” (here), focusing on what the tale tells us about the nature of organized religion, and its relation to social control. “Some people got together and figured out how to use the belief or disbelief […]
‘An alternative interpretation of the life and work of Jesus . . .’
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015The genial John Walker, formerly of Autodesk et al., has posted a new review of “The Testament of James” here:
Revisiting “America’s proud heritage: ‘uneducated, illiterate, barefooted, gun-toting hayseeds’?”
Thursday, December 11th, 2014Has it really been five years — Thanksgiving of 2009 — since I posted a “readers respond” column under this headline? For those who’d like another gander at what passes for reasoned, well-documented debate among the defenders of today’s mandatory government youth propaganda camps, I believe it’s still posted at .