Archive for the 'Earth Stewardship' Category

Won’t you do your part to Save the Hummingbird?

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

Our hummingbird has returned. She’s a black-chinned, I believe, not the world’s most colorful model. But she has a distinctive habit of hovering down to look us right in the face, one at a time, as we sit out in the back yard to watch the sunset. “Checking in,” we call it. Perhaps she, too, […]

Save the habitat, kill the turtles

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

When — in the name of heaven, I demand to know when — are those responsible for enforcing the Endangered Species Act going to do something about remediating the habitat devastation and starting to recover the minuscule remaining population, before it has dwindled past the point of no return, of that brave and noble beast, […]