Archive for the 'About Town' Category

A few recent listings — ‘The High End’

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

So, there you are at the yard sale, confronted by boxes of old books, records, and miscellany. What do you look for? “Buy what you like,” has long been good advice. Until you learn to grade for condition — and to tell a first edition from a later reissue or even (God forbid) a book […]

Actually, John Galt is Kristoffer Polaha

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

‘ATLAS SHRUGGED: WHO IS JOHN GALT?’ REVIEWED The film “Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt,” part three of the trilogy, premiered in Las Vegas Sept. 6. The film opened nationwide Friday, Sept. 12.

And so the shrieking and the hollering begins

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

You want positive evidence that close proximity to government causes brain damage? Democrats invented “the sequester” and Barack Obama signed it into law.

Taxing the poor, seizing the homes of accused ‘pimps’

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

It’s a well known doctrine of economics that what you subsidize you get more of, and what you tax you get less of. Thus, the United States government in its infinite wisdom subsidizes poverty and out-of-wedlock birth, along with unmarried women raising children without any man in the home, and gets more of all three […]

The ‘military designed’ weapon

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

I see where freshman Nevada Congressman Steven Horsford, the Democrat who believes big oil companies receive subsidy checks signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but who at least is no longer in the position to call last-minute weekend meetings at the Nevada State Senate to shift state moneys out of public-school budgets and into […]

Science: Something made up to justify their latest power-grab

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

“Too many elected officials in Washington are still calling climate change a liberal hoax,” declared U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, in prepared remarks as he opened his fifth annual “National Clean Energy Summit” show in Las Vegas Aug. 7. “They falsely claim scientists are still debating whether carbon pollution is warming the planet. …” But “This […]

Another one bites the dust

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

Making national news, another heavily tax-subsidized alternative energy operation — the Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas — went belly-up last week, closing its 214,000-square-foot facility a year after it opened. A designer and manufacturer of concentrated photovoltaic solar power systems, Amonix received $6 million in federal tax credits for the North Las […]

‘The assembly of land into parcels suitable for modern, integrated development’

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

The Charleston Antique Mall, at Charleston Boulevard and Interstate 15, closed April 30. It was not voluntary. The state Department of Transportation deployed its powers of eminent domain to seize and destroy the building — originally the local 7-Up bottling plant, then for a time the “Red Rooster” antique mall — to make room for […]

The intransigence of petty tyrants

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

I see where Kyle Gillis of the Nevada Journal posted a piece last week on the dogged fight of local prison guard Patrick Mendez against the dangerous hoplophobe policies of the College of Southern Nevada — until recently dubbed more appropriately the “Community College of Southern Nevada.” (

Entrepreneur gets a little help

Sunday, May 27th, 2012

My May 10 essay described the frustrations of Las Vegas entrepreneur Raj Patel in trying to “do it by the book” and bring two Indian chefs here to help him expand his restaurant enterprises in Las Vegas. Although the Labor Department agreed the work visas would help create American jobs, and the Immigration Service OK’d […]