Archive for the '2012 Election' Category

And now, watch us carve Mount Rushmore with a teaspoon!

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

As part of the GOP’s campaign “Pledge to America” last fall, the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives promised to roll back federal spending to 2008 levels, a move which could involve cutting as much as $84 billion from nine appropriations bills — cuts that would average 18 percent below President Obama’s budget […]

Regulators in the crosshairs

Monday, January 24th, 2011

One major factor crippling the economic recovery is the tax-and-regulatory straightjacket confronting any American businessman who contemplates adding new jobs. The mechanism by which these regulations and extractions come into being is part of the problem. For long decades, Congress has fallen into the habit of passing laws full of noble sentiments, but with lots […]