Archive for the 'Taxation' Category

Making Shit Up Out Of Thin Air

Monday, April 20th, 2009

On Thursday, The Associated Press reported “Nevada faces the largest budget deficit in the country for the upcoming fiscal year, according to a recent survey of states by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal Washington, D.C., think tank. “Nevada will have a 30 percent gap between spending and revenue, edging out Arizona, […]

The old shakedown racket

Monday, January 26th, 2009

The politically potent Culinary union Local 226 says its already gathered enough signatures to require a popular vote on the City Council’s current scheme to move Las Vegas City Hall to an abandoned casino site six blocks to the southwest of its current location — which would place it between the Clark County Temple to […]

Obama acknowledges higher levies can hurt economy

Friday, September 12th, 2008

The trouble that Democrats and other “progressives” face in selling their economic theories is that they don’t seem to really believe them, themselves. Yes, at the federal level, there’s hypocrisy on the topic from both major parties. But grown-ups should have questions when Democrats contend they can vastly expand the welfare state — free universal […]

They actually mean to make us die penniless

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

It’s our own money. In their magnanimous generosity, our taxmasters in Washington allow Americans to set aside each year some small portion of our earnings in a “tax-free” retirement savings account, called either an IRA or a “401(k),” after the section of the law that sets the rules. And what rules they are. Apparently nothing […]

A Few Simple Solutions

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Tourists keep writing in to complain about all those illegal immigrants bracing them on the sidewalks along the Las Vegas Strip, pushing those little fliers and cards into their hands, the ones with photos of young babes in provocative poses: “Straight to Your Room, just dial 1-800-BOOBs.” To their credit, the complainants rarely object to […]

How They Make It Disappear

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

April 15 is not “tax day.” It’s “tax filing” day. It’s not a new observation that, If this were a day when Americans were required to hand over in one lump sum a personal income tax applied to their wages and other gains of the previous calendar year, some form of revolution would not be […]

‘Now the teacher will shoot me for being late with my homework!’

Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Last year, my own Nevada state senator, Republican Bob Beers, proposed a law which would have “allowed” Nevada government-school teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds — if they wished to do so — after passing an arduous training course. Needless to say, there was a public outcry, and not the outcry one would […]

We’re from the government — we’re here to raise the price of gas

Friday, January 18th, 2008

In Washington Tuesday, a special commission appointed to study the need to repair the nation’s aging bridges and roads said the answer is to more than triple federal gasoline tax — increasing it by 40 cents per gallon over the next five years. The two-year study by the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study […]

But when did we ‘consent’ to the income tax?

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

The Treasury Department on Jan. 3 updated 1974 regulations — issued before the age of electronic filing — that require “tax professionals” to get informed consent from their clients before disclosing tax information to third parties or using it for non-return purposes. The IRS also announced it was considering a ban on tax preparers using […]


Sunday, March 25th, 2007

From my last name, a lot of folks wouldn’t think half my ancestors were English — Clarks and Bishops and Higginbothams, some active in the emancipation movement as much as three centuries ago. Digging through the family archives, I find a yellowed letter to one Zebulon Clark, penned in 1767 — more than half a […]