Archive for the 'Free Speech' Category

Trump: Touchstone, or Rorschach Test?

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

(Brunette here.) I’ll admit, initially I wasn’t a big Trump fan. I didn’t take serious interest in the Donald until after the Wikileaks Podesta emails (and Pizzagate/Pedogate) had broken. I’d never had much reason to think about the man, pay attention to him, take him seriously. But I’d always disliked the Clintons, and after watching […]

Pizzagate: Too evil to be true?

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

No one wants Pizzagate to be true. (Brunette here.) When something’s “too good to be true,” of course, it usually is . . . but what about something that seems too evil — too horrific, disturbing — to be true?

Busted! Annotated video shows how Hillary signaled moderator to “throw it back to her” in rigged Sept. 26 debate

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

A video analysis (which was already censored on Youtube, citing a copyright claim by [Merlin] SC Distribution) demonstrates how Hillary Clinton — whose answers were so well-rehearsed and practiced that it almost appeared she knew Monday night’s questions in advance — signaled her tag-team partner, Mainstream Media debate “moderator” Lester Holt, whenever she wanted the […]

The Right to Bare Arms (Knees Too!)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Much ado about burkini bans in recent days. On one hand, that sounds a bit silly — women and men should be able to wear what they want, and be comfortable — on the other hand, there are good reasons to oppose burkinis on western beaches and at public pools. Here’s the best commentary I’ve […]

Voices of Compassion, Freedom of Faith

Friday, August 26th, 2016

Brunette here (Trigger warning may apply. Or not. Reader discretion advised.) 😉 Trying to wrap my head around the subject of Islam, and what its increasing presence means to the West, has been daunting. Clearly Muslims are humans first and foremost, and deserve to be seen as individuals like anyone else. It would be a […]

‘Tolerance’ sounds great. But is there no limit to what we can wisely ‘tolerate’?

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Charles C. Haynes, who works out of Gannett’s financially strapped “Newseum” in Washington, holds a master’s degree from Harvard Divinity School and promotes himself as a champion of the First Amendment (though, being a statist Democrat, he has of course written in favor of federal “anti-hate-speech” legislation — .)

“I Love You, But I Disagree”*

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

(For some time now, I’ve had an urge to re-post this old piece — so here goes. If anything, it seems more relevant today than when I wrote it, years ago. Enjoy.) 🙂

How open (or closed) are the borders of your mind?

Friday, July 29th, 2016

It’s not a good idea to be so open minded — as the saying goes, sorry if it’s trite — that your brain falls out. Nor is being too closed minded a good idea, since it’s often useful to consider new ideas. So, if you’re thoughtful, you probably employ a mental screening process. Does the […]

Let ‘Living Freedom’ Live On! (Updated)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Claire Wolfe requests your help, to continue blogging — you can contribute here, also please don’t forget to use her Amazon links* for making any online purchases. So if you haven’t stopped by Living Freedom for a while, it’s a good time to go get caught up! (Hint — it looks like there’s a new […]

Natural Order, the State, and the Immigration Problem

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Rather than leave the impression that no free-market thinker of any note stands opposed to this “open borders” stuff – (“Please! Send us millions more Spanish-speaking peasants who scorn our laws and want to stick us with their medical bills, and now please add a couple million unreconstructed members of an alien religion, whose holy […]