Archive for the 'Free Speech' Category

When they turn off the last non-cable will there still be an FCC?

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

NOTE: This is a column about naughty words. A local Las Vegas eatery called Paymon’s Cafe, specializing in Middle Eastern cuisine, serves its own version of the popular peach-flavored concoction generally known as the Fuzzy Navel, but dubbing it the “Genie’s Navel” — a reference that may soar over the heads of younger diners. From […]

Vegas judge jails unhappy customer

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

Diana Bickel is upset with the east side jewelry store called Tower of Jewels, at 896 E. Sahara Ave. She contends a one-carat engagement diamond which jewelers at the store set in a ring at her behest proceeded to fall out of its setting one month later. Tower of Jewels attorney Aaron Maurice says store […]