Archive for the 'Science' Category
Friday, November 18th, 2011
“The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race,” the Obama administration said in a Nov. 4 statement. Honest.
Full Article Categories: 2012 Election, Earth Stewardship, Nevada, Science
Monday, November 15th, 2010
The Health Nazis have tried for years to discourage cigarette smoking — at the same time they greedily seize cigarette tax revenues to plug their budget gaps, of course — by placing more and more onerous warning labels on packages, forcing smokers to huddle outside in the snow, slashing magazine revenues by barring colorful ads […]
Full Article Categories: Collectibles, Drug War, Elections, Science
Saturday, January 9th, 2010
A vicious cold snap engulfed much of the nation Thursday. Snow fell as far south as Alabama and Georgia. That’s unusual.
Full Article Categories: Extreme Green, Science
Sunday, July 19th, 2009
There is one good thing about the lunatic “Global Warming” catechism now taught our youth in the mandatory government youth propaganda camps (taught essentially as a “state-established” religion without meaningful “equal time” for rebuttals, which ought to cause someone to go back and re-read the First Amendment) and eagerly embraced by the tax-guzzling, power-mad cretins […]
Full Article Categories: Economics, Extreme Green, Science
Friday, March 27th, 2009
It qualifies as an old schoolboy joke, by now, right up there with “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” Inform someone that the substance di-hydrogen oxide is so corrosive that a new steel nail exposed to the stuff will rust within hours; so deadly that a person attempting to breathe a pure di-hydrogen […]
Full Article Categories: Extreme Green, Science
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
President Obama last week accused the Bush administration of creating a “hazard to public health” by failing to curb food contamination problems. Mr. Bush’s successor announced he will form a “Food Safety Working Group” to “upgrade our food safety laws for the 21st century.” Money came up. The president will ask Congress for $1 billion […]
Full Article Categories: Big Brother, Science
Sunday, January 4th, 2009
California Correspondent writes to respond to my piece on the global cooling of 2008: “You may be aware of Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish scientist who was long skeptical of global warming. He is not any more. His complaint is with what he perceives as hysteria, and unsound policy. I wonder if your line of reasoning […]
Full Article Categories: Extreme Green, Science
Sunday, December 21st, 2008
My relatives in New England are fighting their way out from under a giant ice storm. Here in Las Vegas it’s been snowing all week, several weeks earlier than our usual one-day-a-year photo op of snow and icicles sparkling one of our palm-bedecked golf courses before melting away by afternoon. The National Weather Service calls […]
Full Article Categories: 2008 Election, 2nd Amendment, Extreme Green, Science
Friday, May 16th, 2008
Goosed by an environmentalist lawsuit seeking a decision by Thursday, the Interior Department Wednesday declared the polar bear a “threatened species,” saying it must be protected because of the decline in Arctic sea ice caused by global warming. The department certainly couldn’t say it was because polar bear numbers are down. Both the Edinburgh Scotsman […]
Full Article Categories: Science