Archive for the 'Books' Category

New listings for your holiday shopping pleasure

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

And so another holiday season arrives, another season we’re not supposed to call “Christmas” because we might thus offend . . . well, not exactly sure. Non-Christians who don’t realize how funny it is that the church simply grabbed up the pagan Winter Solstice holiday, co-opting it complete with mistletoe and “Yule logs,” and announced […]

The Testament of James, fifth excerpt

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Added to the first four excerpts, posted this summer, the following takes the reader through the first 17,500 words of Vin’s new novel, “The Testament of James,” on sale now at This material is copyright c Vin Suprynowicz, 2014, all rights reserved.

The Godfather of Exotica

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

Yes, we now have Korla Pandit!

The Testament of James, fourth excerpt

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

Added to the first three excerpts, posted this summer, the following takes the reader through the first 14,000 words of Vin’s new novel, “The Testament of James,” published by Mountain Media on Dec. 16, 2014. This material is copyright c Vin Suprynowicz, 2014, all rights reserved. Finding himself suspended in mid-air by this complete stranger, […]

Some of September’s new arrivals

Friday, September 5th, 2014

By the way, in case you didn’t know, Cat’s Curiosities offers a careful selection of unusual vinyl LP records online — many autographed — as well as our online stock of 1,400 books, all hand-inspected and individually described. To see our online vinyl LPs, check out:

The Testament of James, third excerpt

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Added to the first two excerpts, posted earlier this summer, the following takes the reader through the first 10,000 words of Vin’s new novel, “The Testament of James,” published by Mountain Media on Dec. 16, 2014. This material is copyright c Vin Suprynowicz, 2014, all rights reserved.

Testament of James – back jacket blurb

Monday, August 25th, 2014

The manager of Books on Benefit has died under mysterious circumstances, and one of the rarest books in the world is missing — if it ever existed at all. Did James the Just, oldest surviving brother of Jesus of Nazareth, write a book about the suppressed secrets of his brother’s ministry, and the plan to […]

The Great Writers produced by the Federal Writers’ Project

Sunday, August 17th, 2014

My fellow booksellers in these parts were recently advised to research and stock books created under the auspices of the FDR-era “Federal Writers’ Project,” a tax-and-spend-and-elect outfit created in 1935 as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration. That’s good advice as far as it goes. Writers who later became well-known, from Nelson Algren […]


Monday, August 11th, 2014

Mom found the following 580-word piece in my dad’s papers, two-and-a-half handwritten sheets with a few cross-outs and corrections, with (but not part of) his autobiography. For geographic clarification, my folks lived the past 55 years on a wooded ridge in Marlborough, Connecticut — if you gaze north-northwest to the next ridge line, those woods […]

The Testament of James, second excerpt

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Added to the first excerpt, the following takes us through the first 5,900 words of Vin’s new novel, “The Testament of James,” published by Mountain Media on Dec. 16, 2014. In all, six excerpts are posted on this site: Go to the subject index and click “Fiction,” or click the link at the bottom for […]