Archive for the '2nd Amendment' Category

What they’re talking about when they’re talking about Australia

Sunday, September 25th, 2016

Regular readers may recall I’m not a member of the National Rifle Association, because I strongly disagree with one of that organization’s most basic modern stances: that all existing “gun control” laws should be enforced.

‘The world is changed’

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

“The world is changed,” she says (and behind, just audible, the same voice echoing in the original Sindarin Elvish, “I amar prestar aen.”) “I feel it in the water.” (“Han mathon ne nen.”) “I feel it in the earth.” (“Han mathon ne chae.”) “I smell it in the air.” (“A han noston ned gwilith.”) “Much […]

Making criminals out of law-abiding Nevadans

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

Nevada voters — along with Nevada gun owners who can still register to vote by Oct. 8 if they’d like to preserve what’s left of their gun rights (and who knows, maybe even vote against Hillary Clinton’s “Australian Plan” to confiscate and destroy all the semi-automatic firearms in the country) — may not have noticed, […]

‘Tolerance’ sounds great. But is there no limit to what we can wisely ‘tolerate’?

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Charles C. Haynes, who works out of Gannett’s financially strapped “Newseum” in Washington, holds a master’s degree from Harvard Divinity School and promotes himself as a champion of the First Amendment (though, being a statist Democrat, he has of course written in favor of federal “anti-hate-speech” legislation — .)

All Mohammed’s children love a gun-free zone

Monday, August 1st, 2016

(A version of the following column runs in the Aug. 10 issue of “Firearms News” — formerly “Shotgun News” — on newsstands this week.)

Let ‘Living Freedom’ Live On! (Updated)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Claire Wolfe requests your help, to continue blogging — you can contribute here, also please don’t forget to use her Amazon links* for making any online purchases. So if you haven’t stopped by Living Freedom for a while, it’s a good time to go get caught up! (Hint — it looks like there’s a new […]

A Summer For Caution: Extreme Caution

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Readers are probably familiar with the hacked BLM (as in Black Lives Matter, not the other BLM we’re more prone to post about here) leader’s Twitter account, in which plans are discussed for a “Summer of Chaos.” (See here for that conversation.) It looks like that has already begun, with the Orlando Pulse night club […]

To ‘eliminate the requirement that instant check records be destroyed within 24 hours’

Friday, July 1st, 2016

A version of the The following column appears in the July 10 edition of “Firearms News” — formerly “Shotgun News” — on newsstands now.

Other candidates talk about guns

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

(A version of this column, filed for an early April deadline, appears in the June 10 issue of “Firearms News,” formerly “Shotgun News,” on newsstands now.) A regular reader asked why — since I mentioned Donald Trump’s position on gun rights recently — I haven’t mentioned other presidential candidates who might honor the Second Amendment.

Politics Creates Anarchists (true or false?)

Friday, May 27th, 2016

  My (dear, departed) father was active for some time — a few years, perhaps — with the LP, decades ago. Later, he declared himself (at least quietly, to me) an anarchist. He was a peace loving man, and never quite grokked the vital importance of guns in peaceful hands to a free society. But, […]