Archive for the 'Taxation' Category

Carson City controlled by the Ku Klux Klan?

Friday, December 18th, 2009

The Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, working in tandem with an outfit called the “Western States Center,” has compiled a new report dubbed “Facing Race: 2009 Legislative Report Card on Racial Equality.” The handout awards Carson City’s Democrat-dominated Assembly “an A-plus for 100 percent support for racial equity bills,” while exiling the state Senate to […]

Senate plan would tax botox, boob jobs

Friday, December 11th, 2009

In 2004, New Jersey Democratic Assemblyman Joseph Cryan had a brilliant idea. Only rich people get cosmetic surgery, right? So — if one of the goals of the redistributive state is to impoverish the rich, thus discouraging them from investing their money in job-creating businesses — why not tax cosmetic surgery? After all, a 6 […]

The check is in the mail

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

There’s a recession on. Energy prices are down, and the official cost of living with them. Therefore, you might expect government payments that carry “cost-of-living adjustments” to be dropping, helping to ease the deficit. Not so. When the cost of living goes up, payments to Social Security recipients — among others — also go up. […]

And they will spend spend spend till daddy takes the T-bird away

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Nevada reported taxable sales fell 20.5 percent in June, marking the eighth straight month of double-digit declines, the state Department of Taxation reported Friday. For the fiscal year ended June 30, sales dropped 12.7 percent from 2008. And 2008, recall, was not exactly boom times.

White House seeks to ‘balance campaign rhetoric with governing’

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

Traveling the television talk-show circuit this weekend, Barack Obama’s aides and advisers tested the waters for likely public response should the new president completely gut his campaign pledge to middle-class Americans that “You will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime.” Mr. Obama has already signed tax hikes on alcohol and cigarettes, […]

Why the rich people are packing their bags

Monday, July 13th, 2009

“President Obama believes America’s wealthiest households have become too wealthy and that the best way to ‘remedy’ this situation is to increase their federal tax burden,” Michael Franc of The Heritage Foundation wrote back on May 18. ( In a message accompanying his Fiscal Year 2010 budget, Mr. Obama explained: “For the better part of […]

We love it here in Libertyville. But we’re changing that to ‘Stalingrad’

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Yes, enforcing the laws against illegal immigration might involve men with handcuffs leading away the nice lady who brings you chips and salsa at your favorite Mexican restaurant. I am not thoroughly happy with that prospect, since I agree it certainly seems young Maria is doing us no immediate harm, merely seeking a better life […]

If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat, if you take a walk I’ll tax your feet …

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Asking politicians whether they have enough taxes yet is like asking a 10-year-old boy if he’s had enough ice cream and soda pop. Wait a minute: could I have just stumbled on the germ of an idea, there? If Americans like to drink soda pop … of course! Why not hit the stuff with a […]

‘An extreme approach which would have set the state back for decades’

Saturday, June 6th, 2009

How about that photo on page 3A of Thursday’s Las Vegas Review-Journal, featuring Nevada’s Assembly Speaker, Democrat Barbara Buckley, giving a big horse laugh as she wound down her triumphal 2009 legislative session? Or the equally shocking image, on page 1B, of Democratic Assemblyman Morse Arberry and supposedly Republican John Carpenter of Elko, trading broad […]

Of squeeze plays and shakedowns

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

Carson City Democrats and their clapping seals among the pundit brigade first ridiculed Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons for showing some reluctance about accepting strings-attached federal “bailout” funds this winter — and then ridiculed him again when he finally agreed to take the handouts to ease the state’s budget woes (just as they had wanted him […]