Archive for August, 2016

The Right to Bare Arms (Knees Too!)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Much ado about burkini bans in recent days. On one hand, that sounds a bit silly — women and men should be able to wear what they want, and be comfortable — on the other hand, there are good reasons to oppose burkinis on western beaches and at public pools. Here’s the best commentary I’ve […]

Muslim leaders on emigration to the West, in their own words

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Who’s the best source, if we want to investigate this concern, this report, that Muslims who want to subvert The West are using ”immigration” and the excuse of “wartime refugees” to move into Europe and now into America hundreds of thousands (oh, let’s be honest, millions) of their people with no desire to assimilate — […]

Voices of Compassion, Freedom of Faith

Friday, August 26th, 2016

Brunette here (Trigger warning may apply. Or not. Reader discretion advised.) 😉 Trying to wrap my head around the subject of Islam, and what its increasing presence means to the West, has been daunting. Clearly Muslims are humans first and foremost, and deserve to be seen as individuals like anyone else. It would be a […]

‘Tolerance’ sounds great. But is there no limit to what we can wisely ‘tolerate’?

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Charles C. Haynes, who works out of Gannett’s financially strapped “Newseum” in Washington, holds a master’s degree from Harvard Divinity School and promotes himself as a champion of the First Amendment (though, being a statist Democrat, he has of course written in favor of federal “anti-hate-speech” legislation — .)

“I Love You, But I Disagree”*

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

(For some time now, I’ve had an urge to re-post this old piece — so here goes. If anything, it seems more relevant today than when I wrote it, years ago. Enjoy.) 🙂

All Mohammed’s children love a gun-free zone

Monday, August 1st, 2016

(A version of the following column runs in the Aug. 10 issue of “Firearms News” — formerly “Shotgun News” — on newsstands this week.)