The Miskatonic Manuscript — housekeeping, 2.0


A couple of people have placed orders for TMM and/or TOJ through ABEbooks, but (since they opted not to use a credit or debit card) it’s our responsibility to contact them to arrange payment. Both Vin and I (Brunette) have tried . . . so please check your spam filters, if you think you might be one of them!

We’re running out of time to ship in time for Christmas, and don’t want anyone to be disappointed! ABE does not automatically process Paypal payments. Please contact us ASAP: either Cat at, or Vin at Or let us know if you intend to send a check or money order, though in that case it’s unlikely you’d receive the book(s) in time for Christmas unless you move quickly & choose Priority shipping.



One Comment to “The Miskatonic Manuscript — housekeeping, 2.0”

  1. MamaLiberty Says:

    I remember once buying a book to give as a gift… and made the mistake of opening it. I still have it. 🙂 Can’t remember who I got it for now, but I wound up getting them something else.

    If you are giving this book as a gift… buy at least two!!