‘This culminated in police officers falsifying documents, hiding criminal activity, lying on official police reports . . .’

19-year-old Nikolas de Jesus Cruz — who killed 17 former schoolmates at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Feb. 14 — had committed numerous serious crimes over the previous five years, including assault, but had no criminal record (which would have prevented him from buying firearms.)


Because the Broward County School Board and the Broward County Sheriff’s Office conspired to see to it that young felons in their high schools pretty much never got arrested for their crimes, and thus never went to trial — even though this involved “police officers falsifying documents, hiding criminal activity, (and) lying on official police reports” . . . in order to make their awful statistics for number of students (and particularly “minority students”) arrested for serious crimes . . . LOOK BETTER.

See: . . . https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/21/its-too-late-broward-county-school-board-beginning-to-admit-their-mistakes/#more-146133

No one is saying 15- and 16- and 17-year-olds should go to prison for long terms for committing vandalism, burglary, drug dealing, or even assault. Judges are free to send kids into “diversionary programs” to keep them out of the Big House, at least once or twice (though probably not 20 times.)

But that’s supposed to be done through the court system, to allow some legislative and citizen oversight, and to leave a paper trail so police — and licensed firearms dealers — can know who and what they’re dealing with.

So again we see the Totalitarian Left turning their young inmates into Useful Stooges, granting them time off and even paying for buses so they can go march and shriek that we need “more gun control” . . . when the school board and the sheriff conspired to make sure our current safeguards weren’t allowed to work?

Responding to being named the most criminal-infested school system in Florida in 2010-2011, “Broward County schools intentionally created policies from 2011 through 2015 that culminated in the 2018 mass school shooting in Parkland,” writes Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse. (Again: . . . https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/02/21/its-too-late-broward-county-school-board-beginning-to-admit-their-mistakes/#more-146133 .) “We know this with great specificity because five years ago we warned Broward County Florida school board members this could happen.”

“In 2012 and 2013 while doing research into the Trayvon Martin shooting we discovered an alarming set of school policies being enacted in Miami-Dade and Broward County Florida. The policies were called “diversionary programs” and were essentially about stopping High School students from being arrested. Law enforcement was instructed to avoid arrests and defer criminal conduct to school administrators.”

(Trayvon Martin, for instance, was never charged with burglary. The stolen jewelry and burglary tools found in his high school locker were simply sent to the police property room as “found items,” not tagged as evidence to be used in any burglary prosecution.)

“Students who engaged in violence, drug sales, robberies, burglaries, theft and other various crimes were intentionally kept out of the criminal justice system,” CTH reports. “County administrators and School Superintendents told local and county law enforcement officers to stop arresting students.”

They weren’t interested in actually STOPPING THE CRIMES, you understand. That would have been hard, and might have made some of their little charges squeal that they were “victims of racism.” No, school board members just wanted the crimes to go UNREPORTED, so things would . . . “look better.”

“CTH contacted the Miami-Dade School District, every single school board member, and the Broward County School District -– to warn them of what was taking place.

“We provided thousands of pages of sworn affidavits and transcribed testimony from law enforcement. We spent several thousand dollars locating, transcribing and assembling the documents and evidence; and hundreds more hours compiling all the information. (See

“We sent all of it to both school districts and both school superintendents.

“Their response: ‘Go away.’

“The school board’s in Miami-Dade and Broward County had created a disastrous scheme and it didn’t take long to see where this was going. The scheme was supported by President Obama’s federal education policy, and executive orders . . . In August of 2012 President Obama issuing an “executive order” establishing the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence. Effectively placing ‘quotas’ on school discipline based on race. . . .

“In 2015 School Superintendent Robert Runcie then began bragging about it.

“’Our goal can’t be to have students go into the courtroom,’ Runcie said. ‘Our focus has got to be keep them in the classroom and out of the courtroom.'”

EVEN AFTER THEY COMMITTED CRIMES that should have been reported to the “National Instant Check System.”

(Heard much about this on your television news? I didn’t think so.)

What earthly good does it do to have a “criminal background check” system . . . or to now demand that this existing system be “tweaked” or “fixed” or “made tougher” . . . if our school and police officials conspire to keep all their little darlings out of courrt — and all their little darlings’ names off the “prohibited persons” list . . . even when they commit felonies . . . so the statistics will “look better”?

And by the way, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, saying President Trump’s call to allow trained teachers with military or police experience (the real kind, not fabricated like yours) to carry concealed weapons in schools is “absolutely abhorrent”? And Alabama’s new one-term Sen. Doug Jones — the guy who beat Judge Roy Moore by sending in Gloria Allred and the Washington Post to pay off a bunch of liars who forged Moore’s inscription on a high-school yearbook (among other things) — yes, you, the former prosecutor saying arming trained staff in the coercion-based government schools is “the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard”?

How many armed guards you got there, protecting your lives in the U.S. Senate, boys? Got any kids or grandkids? They wouldn’t be safely ensconced in private schools with armed security . . . would they?

You’re hypocritical, posturing scum. I hope you’re ready to do a lot of losing.

8 Comments to “‘This culminated in police officers falsifying documents, hiding criminal activity, lying on official police reports . . .’”

  1. Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger Says:

    I’m still trying to understand 1) how Cruz could could classified a “vulnerable adult due to mental illness” (defined in state law as someone ADJUDICATED such) and turned over to DCF) and not be a prohibited person reported to NICS, and 2) why no one seems to be looking into that… or even caring.

  2. K. Bill Hodges Says:

    Great stuff, Vin. Thanks for bringing that angle to light.

  3. MamaLiberty Says:

    I don’t understand why any “people of the gun” continue to think that any sort of NICS or “reporting” would actually stop this mass murder. Would anyone be talking about that if the scum had simply stolen a gun… any kind of gun? Or if he’d killed the kids with a bomb, matches and gasoline?

    The gun, or where he got it, is pretty much irrelevant. The fact that the first or 20th victim of this scumbag didn’t put him in the ground first is actually a big part of it. We know why the “school” let him get away with a life of crime, but why did his earlier victims allow it?

    The fact that the police and “school” were complicit in his lifelong crime spree is reprehensible, evil and plain wrong, but probably isn’t the core problem with the mass murder either. Individuals have responsibility for their children and safety. If you trust your life and your children to government “schools” and cops, you are not paying attention to the real problems.

  4. Steve Says:

    Good catch Vin, you have shown what Scot Peterson’s lawyers will be using to get him either reinstated or paid off to keep quiet.
    CTH is right wing but maintains high factual reporting. I bet we never hear about what they do to pay off that cop who was, apparently, following orders.

    Sheriff: School officer never went inside to confront gunman
    From Associated Press
    February 22, 2018 8:04 PM EST
    FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The armed officer on duty at the Florida school where a shooter killed 17 people never went inside to engage the gunman and has been placed under investigation, officials announced Thursday.

  5. Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger Says:

    ML: “I don’t understand why any “people of the gun” continue to think that any sort of NICS or “reporting” would actually stop this mass murder.”

    Most don’t. It’s useful to note when pointing out the idiocy of doing more of the same.

  6. ‘This culminated in police officers falsifying documents, hiding criminal activity, lying on official police reports . . .’ – Missouri Free Press Says:

    […] Why? ….. Read More […]

  7. JAK Says:

    .The left is capable of ANYTHING. Their aim is to destroy the United States. They get all the help they need from the media. There is only one solution and no one wants to admit it

  8. K. Bill Hodges Says:

    I think Ann Coulter is reading your articles, Vin.