The Miskatonic Manuscript, reviews part 2
Friday, December 11th, 2015Thomas Mitchell’s review of TMM is here:
Thomas Mitchell’s review of TMM is here:
Thomas Knapp of Kn@ppster — publisher of the Rational Review news digest — reviews The Miskatonic Manuscript here:
Hardcover copies now available via ABEbooks: If that doesn’t work, try this link: (You may have to scroll down past newer listings.) Kindle version at
(Followup note: Ernie’s hour-long interview with Vin is on Vimeo at . )
Release day is almost upon us! We sure hope all goes well and our internet connection doesn’t cut out, or that sort of thing. We’ll do our best to have live links up by the end of the day … or failing that, as early as possible tomorrow. Lots of little last minute details to […]
“The Miskatonic Manuscript” is at the printers, where lengthy incantations and rituals must of course be observed before the presses can actually roll. (It is their busiest time of year.)
(Late note: Hardcover copies now available via Abebooks:
Vin’s latest post at , where Nese Devenot invites members of the psychedelic community to “come out of the closet”: I believe a false dichotomy is being embraced by some correspondents here, a dichotomy which is beneficial to the oppressors, but not to the oppressed — who would be better advised to form common […]
Thomas B. Roberts, professor emeritus at Northern Illinois University, edited the books “The Psychedelic Future of the Mind” and “Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion,” the latter of which was acknowledged as a valuable source in my latest novel, “The Testament of James.” Dr. Roberts (no known relation to the Beatles’ Doctor Robert) was […]
The book “The Archaic Revival” (HarperCollins 1991), which is a compilation of writings by and interviews with the late entheogen pioneer Terence McKenna, concludes with an interview conducted by Nevill Drury as it appeared in the Autumn, 1990 (Vol. 11, No. 1) issue of the Australian magazine “Nature and Health.” An excerpt of the most […]