Audit — which Dems tried to suppress — shows Michigan Dominion voting machines were rigged to allow massive vote switching or deletions

Audit shows Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan were assigned a 68.05 percent error rate. Plaintiff attorney DePerno explains that means a whopping 68.05 percent of the ballots were sent for bulk adjudication: “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote” (Gosh, too bad there’s “no evidence of election fraud,” eh?):

See the actual audit report in “Dropbox”:

Michigan judge finally allows release of forensic examination of 16 Dominion voting machines in little Antrim County:

. . . or see . . . :

Attorney in charge of forensic examination of rigged Dominion machines in Michigan receives threatening call from State Bar Association. (Gee, do you suppose they’ve got anything to HIDE?):

President Trump issues warning – states where massive voter fraud has been shown cannot certify supposed election results without committing a serious crime:

. . . or see . . . :

White House – President Trump has another month to get evidence of massive vote fraud heard:

Michael Flynn – We have conclusive evidence of foreign interference in our election:

Sidney Powell – President Trump could trigger 2018 Executive Order on foreign election interference:

One of two Wisconsin Supremem Court rulings (the one the Bolshevik corporate press is ignoring, of course) may be sufficient to show Trump won the state:

One of Joe Biden’s Wisconsin electors illegally claimed to be “indefinitely confined,” when she was not:

Dominion voting system uses SolarWinds – which has been breached & compromised:

All federal civilian agencies directed to disconnect or power down SolarWinds Orion products immediately:

SolarWinds director sold $45 million stock options last week:

Sidney Powell sits down for an extensive interview with Jan Jekielek to discuss status of ongoing election-fraud lawsuits, the presidential pardon of her client Gen. Michael Flynn, & more.

In a true audit, IT expert says illegitimate ballots can be quickly & scientifically identified:

Rudy Giuliani asks why Michigan Secretary of State intervened in matter of the rigged Dominion voting machines of little Antrim County — “What is she hiding”?

Texas AG Ken Paxton discusses Supreme Court’s refusal to protect other states from effects of easily demonstrable election fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin:

Dinesh D’Souza discusses Supreme Court’s refusal to protect other states from effects of easily demonstrable election fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin — justifying their abdication in the crisis with “legal mumbo jumbo” about “standing”:

Obama admits plans to make Biden his “front man,” his stooge:

More evidence shows “COVID pandemic” has had no effect on annual death rate – meaning that, statistically, it hasn’t killed anyone who wouldn’t have died anyway. So what’s all this “masking and lockdown and social distancing” crap?

More “COVID” lockdowns, but no spike in deaths — are we bring played?

Lin Wood posts photos of thousands of Fulton County Georgia “mail-in ballots” in warehosue – shipped in from Arizona?

8,000 Communist Chinese spies and agents:

President Trump revises order of succession to the office of Secretary of Defense – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley is not on the list:

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