‘Trump slipping in polls’ reports were pre-scripted — kicked in before the pollsters could even get it done


There seems to be a bit of resignation setting in out there: “Well, flawed as he was, Donald Trump represented our last chance to stop this bought-and-paid-for, political-media alliance from selling us down the river, turning America into a Third World country without decent, full-time jobs, with rationed socialized medicine and a mosque in the middle of every town and “Sharia Patrols” harassing women for wearing short pants or bathing suits. Too bad, but now he’s slipping in the polls, there was no way he could counter these staged ‘groping’ attacks without getting accused of ‘going on the defensive,’ so it’s all over.”

Trust me, this “It’s late October and Trump is slipping in the polls” narrative was scripted and scheduled MONTHS ago. One way we know this is that we started to hear it a full week before we saw any “dip in the polls”! The other unmistakable clue is how badly it matches the observed evidence on the ground. Donald Trump doesn’t draw crowds of 20,000 or more OCCASIONALLY; he does it daily, even SEVERAL TIMES a day, sometimes in locations where the crowd outnumbers the total population of the town in question. And the polls? There’s nothing magical about what they’re doing with these polls. Read on.

Yes, the half (?) of Americans who still get their “news” almost exclusively through TV can hardly fail to register the emotional impact of a 24/7 Chinese water torture orchestrated through the use of women conveniently brought forward to assert Trump once “bumped” or “groped” them . . . as much as 30 years ago . . . on top of this endless network drum-beat that “The hate-filled buffoon Donald Trump offended more voters today,” from a sneering cadre of Political Correct sorority sisters who never venture far enough into the real world to get their shiny stiletto heels dirty, carefully selecting the most “politically incorrect” 8-second sound bite they can find in a 15-minute speech that has 25,000 Americans (who are never shown) on their feet and cheering.

Those who count such things report coverage of Trump in the “legacy media” since August has been “91 percent negative.” ( http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/rich-noyes/2016/10/25/mrc-study-documenting-tvs-twelve-weeks-trump-bashing .)

The impact among the network-dependent, as intended, is largely emotional — a feeling of distaste for the accused, rather than outrage more appropriately focused on those orchestrating the campaign. This is a “herd instinct” explained as long ago as Hans Christian Anderson with his tale of the “ugly duckling.” It’s also designed to evoke feelings of helplessness among his supporters — though that can backfire. Because once you start to examine it, something happens.


On the intellectual level, skepticism has to kick in at some point. The Veritas videos show Democratic operatives bragging about starting riots outside Trump events, vowing to do anything to “win this motherfucker” regardless of “what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say.” ( http://www.projectveritasaction.com/video/rigging-election-video-i-clinton-campaign-and-dnc-incite-violence-trump-rallies .) Even the mainstream media report Hillary’s people “coached” Alicia Machado for months, carefully and precisely timing the release of her “fat-shaming” claims (they came the day after Clinton mentioned her in the first debate) . . . while actual video from the time shows Trump DEFENDED her against pageant officials who wanted to fire her for gaining 50 pounds, and Megyn Kelly caught Ms. Machado in her lie ON CAMERA last month, by reading aloud to Ms. Machado her previously published statements that she suffered anorexia/bulimia BEFORE winning her pageant, BEFORE Donald Trump supposedly hurt her feelings.

Machado’s Democratic coaches had even set up photo shoots for planned features in magazines! Wow! What a “spontaneous” event! Yet we’re supposed to believe the ensuing “bimbo parade” (Hillary’s term) of Trump accusers just showed up as a pleasant surprise to the Clinton campaign — that her ruthless operatives just crossed their fingers and left it all to luck, hoping something like this would happen at precisely the right time?


Meanwhile, how odd that no such “groping” charges showed up in this guy’s life over all these decades, until a month before this election; that the Trump folks have found an eyewitness who asserts it was the woman in question who was flirting with Trump on that airliner, confiding to the witness that she hoped to seduce & marry Trump; that none of these women saw fit at the time or since to file a police complaint or a civil suit, documenting their claims in a way that would subject them to some adversarial cross-questioning — standards the media would once have required before reporting ANY of this stuff.


And this comes in a race against Hillary Clinton — who ran the “bimbo eruption war room” in the Clinton White House, relentlessly seeking to intimidate into silence and/or ruin the reputations of the women Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted — assaults often facilitated by the fact his political position made these women dependent on him for their jobs, even allowing him to send armed and uniformed state troopers to tell them their presence was required in the governor’s (or attorney general’s, depending on the date) suite.

The symmetry: their opponent being accused — in charges whipped up out of thin air — of being a farm-league equivalent of what the Clintons ARE, to deflect attention from the Clintons’ actual, proven crimes — to include soliciting millions in bribes to the “Clinton Foundation” to win access to the Secretary of State — is stunning.

At any rate, note that some of the polls being reported now are from sources no one had even heard from a month ago, and that even established pollsters including Monmouth and especially ABC-Washington Post have been shown to be over-sampling Democrats (compared to actual registration ratios) by 4 to 6 points.

(See https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/08/22/monmouth-university-pollster-patrick-murray-busted-manipulating-poll-data-then-lying-about-it/ , and http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-23/new-podesta-email-exposes-dem-playbook-rigging-polls-through-oversamples . . . as well as . . . http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/05/general_election_headtohead_polls_appear_biased_against_trump.html .)

Therefore, what many of these polls report as a “tie” likely represents a 4-to-6 point lead for Trump. What they report as “Hillary up by 3” likely represents a 1-to-3 point lead for Trump. Since these pollsters tend to telephone only “historically likely voters,” they also tend not to call newly registered Republicans, while we know Trump operatives are out-registering the Democrats in many of the battleground states — reversing the pattern in the “Obama” year of 2008.


And the relative size of Trump rallies (tens of thousands of people who come out and bother to wait in line versus Mrs. Clinton’s carefully staged, closed-door events before bused-in, hand-selected “crowds” of 150 to 200 people) at least demonstrates Trump supporters are highly likely to actually go to the polls this year . . . while in the other camp, “excitement” about Hillary seems a bit lacking anywhere outside the studios of CNN and NBC.

(For crowd comparisons, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4K56KaJ7Ds&app=desktop .)

So it might be more accurate to guess TRUMP supporters will be over-represented at the polls this year, as compared to registration levels. No?


The likely outcome? Those same Dem operatives caught on hidden cameras in the Veritas videos vow to continue busing illegal voters to the polls, even across state lines, admitting “We’ve been doing it for 50 years.” Trump may indeed still face uphill battles in important battleground states including Pennsylvania and Michigan. Certainly he could still lose in the Electoral College, given that Mrs. Clinton started with the huge (Electoral College) states of New York, Massachusetts and California “in the bag.”

But I see no reason at present to presume a victory for Hillary Clinton in the popular vote. In fact, what’s most striking is how LITTLE this wall-to-wall tabloid treatment has dented popular support for Trump and his “time to clean house” agenda.

All we can do is ask people to seek out alternative sources, going beyond 30-second sound bites from Soros-allied corporate entities whose fear of a candidate not “all bribed up” in advance is palpable.

Even if EVERY SINGLE ALLEGATION AGAINST TRUMP WERE TRUE, is that a good reason to turn the nation over to a Marxist who thinks the best way to “create jobs” is to raise taxes; who has always hoped to impose on America a system of rationed, Soviet-style, government-provided medicine; who has been caught saying she favors “open borders” and openly vows to NOT ENFORCE THE IMMIGRATION LAWS, at all; who wants to plant in America colonies of millions of unassimilated Muslim “refugees” who seek to impose Sharia law and convert America to Islam (that’s working out SO well in Europe — love the rape gangs, too); a candidate whose out-of-control rages and whose vows to “destroy” her enemies are well documented . . . and who appears to be suffering from a progressive neuro-psychiatric illness that has even her staffers trading e-mails about her “not knowing what planet we’re on, today”?

(See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzKIM1SR_Po , . . . and . . . http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/24/head-space-hillary-clintons-inner-circle-tiptoes-around-health-issues/ .)


Americans have their faults. But are we really to believe America deserves that, and that America’s voters won’t lift a finger to stop it?

(By the way, was your voting machine built by a company controlled by George Soros? Has it sat for the past five months in a warehouse under the loving care of unionized government programmers who favor Hillary Clinton’s election, nine-to-one? In most states, the law says it has to show you a print-out of your vote before you leave the “booth.” Check that piece of paper carefully, and yell loudly and insistently for help if it’s wrong, while REMAINING AT YOUR MACHINE. See machines switching GOP votes to Hillary: http://kissfm969.com/early-voters-from-amarillo-are-saying-their-votes-were-changed-on-the-ballot/ .)

But of course — unlike Democrats, who STILL contend the 2000 election was stolen from Al Gore, because the darned state officials stubbornly refused to count Florida ballots which were left blank at the “president” line as “Gore votes” — Donald Trump and his supporters are branded “wacko conspiracy nuts” by our pals in the State-Socialist Media when they express concerns this election could be stolen. (See “Eight times liberals claimed an election was stolen or rigged: http://thefederalist.com/2016/10/19/8-times-liberals-claimed-election-stolen-rigged/ and “Top five ways Democrats challenged the legitimacy of the 2000 election”: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/20/top-5-ways-democrats-challenged-the-legitimacy-of-the-2000-election/ .)

Balanced and even-handed? Network television viewership is down 11 percent this year, while the Wall Street Journal reported Oct 20 that “Newspapers are suffering an accelerating drop in print advertising. . . . Global spending on newspaper print ads is expected to decline 8.7 percent to $52.6 billion in 2016 . . . forcing some publishers to consider significant cost cuts and dramatic changes to their print and digital products.”

I doubt all those Americans are now sitting home reading “War and Peace.” I hope some of them are getting a little more fresh air and exercise. But for the most part, they’ve found a news source the big corporate globalists can’t control, haven’t they? — the Internet.

Wave bye-bye to the corrupt Leftist media, now. Bye-bye.


2 Comments to “‘Trump slipping in polls’ reports were pre-scripted — kicked in before the pollsters could even get it done”

  1. Sam Fox Says:

    Very good article. I am going to put it up at Arizona Freedom Alliance & One Political Plaza.



  2. v ardis Says:

    i cant wait for the repete of the 1980 election coverage ,,,
    it was called for RR in 1 and 1/2 hrs AFTER they started broadcasting that night im praying the same thing happens this time , also hoping we can send the democrats packing into the wilderness, with alot of so called republicans going with them, as they seem indistinguishable from most democrats on islamic terror-immigration-trade-everybody first before Americans
    they are just as bad and we dont want or need their type “helping” us anymore
    go trump