Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

“Uninstall the system”

Friday, May 13th, 2016

Or, Confessions of a Disillusioned (Former) Libertarian (by the Brunette)

“An Obscure and Sinister Agenda”

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Sneaky, devious, diabolical? Decide for yourself. This first short (5:35) video offers a cursory overview of a potentially huge issue:

The First Thing You Won’t Be Investigating . . .

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

I see where the (still) daily Las Vegas Review-Journal sold late last week for more than $140 million — seven times its earnings for the most recent 12 months and thus somewhat above the morning paper’s market value, as figured by some who focus on its declining display advertising pages (hardly a unique predicament, in […]

For cat people only :-) Or, when kittens take selfies …

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

(Brunette, again.) We’re blessed with a bunch of cool and creative cats. They’re a primary source of laughter around here, especially the kittens (well, they’re six months old now, but they’re still pretty entertaining.) Strider, our gray male kitten (see above) loves to lounge around and help Vin at his computer. So does Sandy (see […]

Vin chats with Ernie Hancock

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

Friday morning, Vin visited on-air for an hour with his old friend, Phoenix-based Libertarian radio guy Ernest Hancock. Vin’s Cliven Bundy piece in the current issue of “Range” magazine came up, as did his forthcoming novel, “The Testament of James.” Through the magic of modern electronics, those with speakers on their computers can hear most […]

There are two ‘classes,’ you see, the peasants and the elected elite

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

NOTE TO READERS: Vin Suprynowicz specifically authorizes & encourages the copying, forwarding and re-posting of this column, with the sole proviso that, as a matter of courtesy, no new material not of his making be interpolated (mixed in) to create the impression he wrote it. Column originally posted at On Tuesday morning, March 4, […]