Archive for the 'Free Speech' Category

Love The Liberal, Hate Their Political Correctness

Friday, July 15th, 2016

(Kindly note, in advance, that I use ‘liberal’ here as in the modern parlance of self-described liberals. I am aware there are other — more or less archaic — definitions, and am not interested in disputing those. OK? Thanks.) 🙂 Both Vin and I grew up as east coast liberals, and thankfully we each outgrew […]

A Summer For Caution: Extreme Caution

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Readers are probably familiar with the hacked BLM (as in Black Lives Matter, not the other BLM we’re more prone to post about here) leader’s Twitter account, in which plans are discussed for a “Summer of Chaos.” (See here for that conversation.) It looks like that has already begun, with the Orlando Pulse night club […]

“A Fount of Strange Wisdom”

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Post title pilfered from this Reason “Hit and Run” blog post. Images mainly stolen from McAfee’s F***book pages, here and here.

“Uninstall the system”

Friday, May 13th, 2016

Or, Confessions of a Disillusioned (Former) Libertarian (by the Brunette)

Vintage Brunette: What Anarchism Means to Me

Thursday, November 26th, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! You guessed it, Brunette here again. 😉 Vin’s a writer, and (not that I have to tell any of you!) a pretty darn good one — I was a fan long before we ever met. But he’s not a blogger at heart … nor am I. He’s encouraged me to post here […]

Does it matter if we’re oppressed for what we ‘do,’ rather than what we ‘are’?

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Vin’s latest post at , where Nese Devenot invites members of the psychedelic community to “come out of the closet”: I believe a false dichotomy is being embraced by some correspondents here, a dichotomy which is beneficial to the oppressors, but not to the oppressed — who would be better advised to form common […]

‘Well, there’s nothing artificial about it’

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

The book “The Archaic Revival” (HarperCollins 1991), which is a compilation of writings by and interviews with the late entheogen pioneer Terence McKenna, concludes with an interview conducted by Nevill Drury as it appeared in the Autumn, 1990 (Vol. 11, No. 1) issue of the Australian magazine “Nature and Health.” An excerpt of the most […]

‘A natural and, perhaps, even necessary component of spirituality’

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

Out of Wyoming, firm proponent of self-ownership Mama Liberty has weighed in with a thoughtful commentary on “The Testament of James” (here), focusing on what the tale tells us about the nature of organized religion, and its relation to social control. “Some people got together and figured out how to use the belief or disbelief […]

No longer trusted to tell them what’s ‘news’

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

For centuries, a few hundred wealthy individuals, families and corporations have had de facto control over what we consume as “news” — simply because they could afford to buy big printing presses, and ink by the barrel. Despite early fears in the newspaper industry, neither radio nor television ever broke this monopoly. You’d quickly realize […]

How are we doin’?

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

How are we doing, safeguarding those “unalienable Rights” with which we are “endowed by our Creator” — in support of which 56 patriots solemnly pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred Honor, 236 years ago? We remain free by many measures. Americans can still pretty much live where we want, work where we want, […]