The Miskatonic Manuscript, reviews part 3
Thursday, December 31st, 2015Following a slow Christmas week, when most folks presumably had other things to do, additional reviews of The Miskatonic Manuscript are starting to flow in.
Following a slow Christmas week, when most folks presumably had other things to do, additional reviews of The Miskatonic Manuscript are starting to flow in.
(This follows part two in our week-long Q&A with Vin about his new novel, “The Miskatonic Manuscript.” Part two is here.) Q: It’s interesting how many people seem to judge a book by its cover. Many people, looking at the Testament of James cover art, assume it’s a religious tract. Others, reacting to the […]
Q: Some readers may object to the role played by psychedelic drugs in this series. It seems to me that you strike a middle ground somewhere between “recreational” use and “therapeutic” use, where the drugs serve a purpose in enabling the characters to navigate among various dimensions, or to ascertain hidden truth, vision-quest style. How […]
Inevitably, some few readers of The Miskatonic Manuscript have objected to certain themes in the book. It seems only right to give Vin the opportunity to respond to them, to expand on his thinking — and to remind readers that, in Vin’s words (below), “Miskatonic Manuscript is science fiction, and science fiction traditionally has been […]
A couple of people have placed orders for TMM and/or TOJ through ABEbooks, but (since they opted not to use a credit or debit card) it’s our responsibility to contact them to arrange payment. Both Vin and I (Brunette) have tried . . . so please check your spam filters, if you think you might […]
Thomas Mitchell’s review of TMM is here:
Thomas Knapp of Kn@ppster — publisher of the Rational Review news digest — reviews The Miskatonic Manuscript here:
Hardcover copies now available via ABEbooks: If that doesn’t work, try this link: (You may have to scroll down past newer listings.) Kindle version at
(Followup note: Ernie’s hour-long interview with Vin is on Vimeo at . )
Release day is almost upon us! We sure hope all goes well and our internet connection doesn’t cut out, or that sort of thing. We’ll do our best to have live links up by the end of the day … or failing that, as early as possible tomorrow. Lots of little last minute details to […]