Archive for the '2016 Election' Category

Never watch the TV — haunting Alan Watts wisdom

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Brunette here. Been quiet for a while, have had a lot on my mind lately . . . both to do with this ongoing train wreck of an election, and other more mundane matters. Vin and I have not had a TV for years (I don’t want one in the house, period.) He doesn’t seem […]

Democrat agents on video, in their own words, bragging about causing riots at Trump rallies and plans to bus illegal voters to steal the election. The Major networks? ‘Nothing to see here, move along’

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

You know that popular narrative, droning on 24/7 in the state-socialist, all-in-for-Hillary Media, that Trump voters (54 percent of the country, actually) are a bunch of “violent racists”?

Trump is right — Mainstream Press is part of Team Hillary, burying her crimes the way a squirrel hides nuts

Monday, October 17th, 2016

New York magazine, which seems to be making an attempt to corner the market on left-wing cluelessness of late, runs a piece by Ed Kilgore (who coincidentally is also managing editor of something called “The Democratic Strategist / Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority”) asserting it’s somehow “dangerous” for Donald Trump to be telling […]

Watching the professional suicide of the once (somewhat) objective American press

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

To an astonishing extent, most of the major media in this country appear to have forgotten their job. They wade into the deep and dangerous waters of arrogance, presuming not merely to instruct their countrymen in all the available facts, “unweighted,” but to blatantly and unashamedly pick and choose what the people shall be told, […]

Oct. 10, four weeks out: it’s now Trump’s race to win or lose

Monday, October 10th, 2016

I suspect most commentators missed the real significance of Donald Trump’s move to make sure the three most prominent victims of Bill Clinton’s rapes and sexual assaults -– Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Wiley and Paula Jones (along with Kathy Shelton, see ) — were seated prominently in the small audience at his “Town Hall” debate […]

Joe Farah’s ‘debate cheat sheet’

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

At World Net Daily, Joseph Farah late last week offered a pretty good “Debate Cheat Sheet” for Donald Trump, this evening. Excerpts from his advice:

When the Trump campaign finally starts landing some body blows, let no one say he wasn’t patient, let no one say it’s unfair, let no one say he started it

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

In a thoroughly orchestrated effort to discredit Donald Trump (how many is this?) a group of old-line Republicans who turned a party once known for attempting to limit government and preserve personal liberties into today’s go-along, “tax, spend, and endless war” party, the “smile, salute, and lose every presidential election to the Marxists in a […]

What are they trying to distract us FROM?

Saturday, October 8th, 2016

The state-socialist “mainstream media” from which most Americans get their “election news” today is going further over the line than I can ever remember to protect a candidate who wants to confiscate and crush every privately held semi-automatic firearm in America (Here’s the link again: . Or, for more of Hillary talking: , […]

An election about immigration . . . and guns

Friday, September 30th, 2016

(A version of this column appears in the Oct. 10 edition of Firearms News — previously Shotgun News — on newsstands now.)

Miracle: N.Y. Times discovers Ohio has changed from crucial battleground state and reliable predictor of presidential success, to a worthless heap of geriatric retards . . . in three weeks!

Friday, September 30th, 2016

What do we mean when we say the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, CNN, etc., are “in the bag” for Hillary Clinton?