Here’s how the ‘News’ business works: For the past year, evidence that the ‘COVID jabs’ (they’re not vaccines, manufacturers admit they convey no immunity) have caused massive, genocidal rates of death and disease (just like evidence that the treasonous Democrats wiretapped Donald Trump and stole the 2020 election) have been censored because they’re ‘wild black-helicopter conspiracy nonsense from the kind of nuts who wear aluminum foil hats.’ A year from now, the new, revised response will be ‘No need to report that, that’s old news, water under the bridge, everybody knows THAT!’

Dad feels “guilty” after 10-year-old son dies following toxic COVID “jab” (How do you do penance for that? Can you think of any reason, now, why you might want to seek out some sources of THE TRUTH other than the lying NIH, the lying CDC, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, Evil Dwarf Tony Fauci and the Senile Grifter Joe Biden? Is your first job to protect your children, or to sacrifice them to the profits of Big Pharma and the power hunger of the lying politicians working for Klaus Schwab and the Party of Davos?):
34-year-old Canadian father of two charming tots took the jab. Heart destroyed, he keeled over dead in front of them. (But the fellatrix Justine Trudeau won’t give up his Jab Mandates. Anyone ready to wake up, yet?):
High-school athletes dropping like flies – so now the Evil Dwarf wants to shoot up and murder the tiny tots, as well!

Fauci says children under 4 (who are at NO risk from COVID) will get THREE toxic jabs apiece):
15-year-old collapses during basketball game, now fighting for his life. Does anyone think this stuff is NORMAL?

Tucker Carlson with an EXTENSIVE interview of Dr. Robert Malone, who holds patents for mRNA gene-alteration therapies, and who says NO ONE should get any more of these long-lived spike-protein jabs (“Pfizer and the regulatory authorities just hadn’t done their job.”):
Canadian Liberals worry that restoring people’s freedoms (now that all their COVID crap has turned out to be not only unnecessary but deadly) may be “jarring,” so best not do it too quickly!):
Canadian state media now say people who use the word “freedom” are right-wing racist extremists (No, this is not from the “Babylon Bee”:
100,000 Georgia ballots were invalid. Biden’s “election” got certified, anyway. In other words, Trump won; Democrat scum stole the election, and have no right to govern. None at all – let alone any right to purposely destroy America, which has been the Klaus Schwab-Hussein Obama plan for 15 years, now:

State Department withheld evidence of Burisma bribe that would have immediately cleared Trump of bogus “Ukraine” charges:
Democrat scum try to disqualify GOP congressmen from office for speaking at peacful Trump MAGA rallies (So when are we going to disqualify any Bolshevik congresscritter who ever cheered on Antifa or Black Lies Matter?):
You want to “follow the science”? Here’s the list: 1,000 different studies show “COVID-19 jabs” cripple & kill:
50,000 fraudulent votes from phantom 2020 voters found in Wisconsin – twice the number needed to change outcome – but Homeland Suppression Czar Ma-jerkoff says you’re a “domestic terrorist” if you talk about it:
Six-year-old child develops myocarditis two days after receiving toxic COVID jab:
Durham probe accelerating — Clinton caporegimes and FBI scum in the crosshairs:
Will withered Deep State hack Leslie Stahl — the lying little turd — apologize for insisting (little more than a year ago!) that the Demoscum didn’t team with our rabid “State Security” apparatus to spy on Trump’s campaign AND his White House in hopes of bringing him down?
Totalitarian Maine state medical licensing board, in between providing blowjobs to Fauci the Evil Dwarf, orders heroic Maine doctor to undergo psychiatric evaluation, AND TO REVEAL THE NAMES OF ALL HER PATIENTS, if she wants to continue practicing medicine:
Demoscum argue their crooked voting machines are too fragile to be inspected:
February 14th, 2022 at 1:28 pm
“May you live in interesting times” was not a well-meant wish.
We sure are living in interesting times…
February 14th, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Solution: everybody, go out and catch Omicron; that will give you natural immunity against Covid. Then get behind the truckers’ protest, sign up to be poll-workers in the next election, run for your local School Board, join the lawsuits against the bloody Elites, and THROW THE BUMS OUT!
February 14th, 2022 at 4:36 pm
Everybody needs — needed long ago — to decide at what point they are no longer willing to be pushed around. You always have a choice. Maybe not a pleasant one, but a choice nontheless.
Also, Justin Castreau — who just declared war on his own citizens — ought to bear in mind that the head of state in a nation a war is a legitimate, legal, military target.
Oh, and les I forget, interesting news about Killary today …
February 17th, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Somewhat off topic. Here are some things I heard on National Pravda Radio.
First, the federal government is paying the burial expenses of people who died of COVID. Whether this is for those who truly died FROM COVID or also for those WITH COVID isn’t clear. So this is another incentive to inflate the COVID death count.
Second, FAFSA is the application high school students file to seek financial aid for college. It is an intrusive, nosy form that requires families to disclose their finances. It is very invasive of privacy. Incredibly, some states are requiring students to file the FAFSA as a condition to graduate from high school. Louisiana was mentioned as one such state. So it doesn’t matter if the student successfully completed the required coursework, if they don’t file the FAFSA, they can’t graduate. It doesn’t matter if the student does not intend to go to college. Maybe that’s not an acceptable option anymore. Why haven’t lawsuits been filed over this?
April 26th, 2022 at 11:33 pm
The nearest historical parallel to the enormous crimes of the last two years, is found in the Nuremberg Tribunals and their judgment of the gruesome medical & scientific experiments carried out by the Nazi regime, and similar crimes carried out by the Empire of Japan in China and elsewhere.
That is what is needed: Nuremberg Trials for the 21st century. Nothing less will come close to sufficing as any sort of legal reckoning. Moreover, those responsible for the atrocities committed should not be permitted to sacrifice some underlings in order to escape punishment. That’s the usual pattern when the rich and powerful are involved, but it must not happen here. If necessary, turn the underlings to implicate the top people, the very top people. That means not just Fauci, but Gates, Soros, and the whole dirty evil lot of the globalist billionaires who hatched this evil scheme in the first place.
If you ask the question why the elites are suddenly pushing war with Russia so hard, the answer is that they needed a new crisis to push covid-19 and the so-called “vaccines” – which were actually experimental gene therapies and poisons – off the front page and out of the news cycle. Which is why in no more than 24-48 hours, it went from being on almost everyone’s lips and minds, to disappearing down the memory hole. This crime of enormous proportions must not be allowed to slip away into history without a reckoning of some sort for the perpetrators. We owe no less to those who have sufffered and died so needlessly.