New emails show Hunter Biden and associates floated ‘formal meetings with Dad’ to woo business partners

New emails show Hunter Biden and associates floated “formal meetings with Dad’ to woo business partners:

DEA grabbed a SECOND Hunter Biden laptop – but there’s nothing to see here; move along . . .

(Second Hunter laptop was reportedly seized by DEA in drug raid on a psychiatrist’s office – does Hunter sow these things around like Johnny Appleseed.? Feds have had THIS ONE For eight months but are apparently refusing to use it to develop any cases or arrests until they’re promised more donuts:

Rudy Giuliani gave Daily Caller the hard drive, sat for lengthy interview:

The Joe Biden article the editors of the corrupt “Intercept” didn’t want you to read – which blatant political censorship led to Glenn Greenwald’s resignation:

Greenwald’s email exchange with his censoring New York editors, who claim their desperate desire to have Joe Biden win has NOTHING TO DO with their refusal to run an opinion piece detailing Joe Biden’s corruption:

ABC affiliate in Philadelphia refuses to run Restoration PAC ad highlighting Biden corruption:

CNN refuses to air anti-Biden ad — even though it’s accurate:

Tucker Carlson slams media for ignoring Hunter Biden story, including whistleblower Tony Bobulinski: ‘How Do You Maintain a Democratic System When Reality Itself Has Been Banned?’

Cybersecurity expert certifies Hunter Biden email authentic:

(Who “debunked” it, Stephanie?)

NBC creates decoy disinformation story so they can claim to “debunk” some different report, entirely (though they never even debunk THAT 64-page document, either!):

Neither Biden nor his campaign will answer ANY questions about bribes, family perversion:

‘The guy who used his son, a drug addict, as his bagman’:

Twitter censors audio of Detroit poll workers being trained to lie to voters, destroy ballots, stop challengers:
Twitter suspends commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for detailing effectiveness of Trump’s border wall (Time to break these guys up like Standard Oil, yet?):


In Florida, if there are black Biden supporters, not many of them seem to be showing up for early voting . . . :

Latinos set to deliver Florida to the GOP:

More mailmen busted for dumping ballots. (Now, which candidate was it their union endorsed? . . .) Florida, if there are black Biden supporters, not many of them seem to be showing up for early voting . . .:

One Comment to “New emails show Hunter Biden and associates floated ‘formal meetings with Dad’ to woo business partners”

  1. Vin Suprynowicz » Blog Archive » What if it wasn’t incompetence? What is it was . . . treason? Says:

    […] New emails show Hunter Biden and associates floated ‘formal meetings with Dad’ to woo busine… Joe Biden’s million-dollar rakeoffs from Hunter’s bribes pose national security risk with China, experts say […]