Archive for the '2016 Election' Category

The Winds of Change

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

Anger can cloud the mind. Generally better to seek calm. But anger can also tell us when we’ve let things go long enough. Isn’t anyone else angry? Really?

Have A Deplorably Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

(Brunette here.) 2017 has been quite an amazing year so far. Hard to believe the holidays are upon us already! Many people seem to be dreading those dinner table conversations, now that nearly every subject (except maybe pets) can lead to political disagreements. Sports? (NFL kneelers . . . Check.) Weather? (Climate change, check.) Entertainment? […]

What do you get when you refuse to let a patient, reasonable, well-armed majority order a course change by winning an election?

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

‘We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected’

Monday, July 17th, 2017


A Surprising Haven For Gays Fleeing the Regressive Left

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

(Brunette again.) With recent LGBT Pride Day celebrations fading from the headlines, especially since posting my last piece, I’ve found myself thinking about various stories I’ve read over the past year or two, particularly accounts of gay men coming out as conservative: They say — and I have no trouble believing them — that it’s […]

Oh no! We want a recount! Send in the lawyers! Count the hanging chads!

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

What could have gone wrong?

Hit-And-Run Leftism: A Response to [Redacted]

Monday, June 19th, 2017

Brunette here again. Guess I’m in an uncharacteristically chatty mood lately . . . not to worry, Vin will be back. And I’ll revert to my usual quieter self sooner or later. 😉

Trump: Love The Man, or Loathe Him? (Or, The Art of The Real Deal)

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

(Brunette again.) The fog of war — largely an information war — will eventually clear. We’ve been in the thick of it for some time now. The long dominant left-leaning media has everyone’s heads spinning with more Russia hysteria, spurious rumors based on anonymous sources, breathless speculations about who’s in or out (or at each […]

Trump: Touchstone, or Rorschach Test?

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

(Brunette here.) I’ll admit, initially I wasn’t a big Trump fan. I didn’t take serious interest in the Donald until after the Wikileaks Podesta emails (and Pizzagate/Pedogate) had broken. I’d never had much reason to think about the man, pay attention to him, take him seriously. But I’d always disliked the Clintons, and after watching […]

Doubling down on disaster

Sunday, June 4th, 2017