Archive for the 'Regressive Left' Category

‘He just sent his friend Putin a bouquet’

Saturday, February 10th, 2018

I hope it doesn’t make me sound like one of those “conspiracy types.” But does it strike anyone else, as we’ve channel-hopped recently for details of the burgeoning congressional investigation into the salacious “Christopher Steele Golden Shower dossier” funded by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, beefed up with fictional contributions from Clinton friends […]

I tried to find a way to stand up for Al Franken. Really.

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Thinking about it, I figure I had at least four good reasons for wanting to give U.S. Sen. Al Franken, Minnesota Democrat-Farmer-Labor, the benefit of the doubt.

We’re fed up, and we’re not going to take this much longer

Friday, August 25th, 2017

Axios — one of dozens of interchangeable, far-Left, statist Internet “news” sites — on Aug. 20 asked several White House aids, (anonymously, of course), why they stay in the service of Donald Trump.

What do you get when you refuse to let a patient, reasonable, well-armed majority order a course change by winning an election?

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Watching the Swamp Creatures Writhe and Die: Who’ll Make the Popcorn?

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017


‘We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected’

Monday, July 17th, 2017


A Surprising Haven For Gays Fleeing the Regressive Left

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

(Brunette again.) With recent LGBT Pride Day celebrations fading from the headlines, especially since posting my last piece, I’ve found myself thinking about various stories I’ve read over the past year or two, particularly accounts of gay men coming out as conservative: They say — and I have no trouble believing them — that it’s […]

Human Wrongs: Are The Most Vulnerable Voices To Be Silenced? Why? And By Whom?

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

(Brunette here.) Tyranny heralds its arrival first through confiscation of speech — via Orwellian inversion of language, and/or suppression of undesirable voices ‘by any means necessary,’ whether subtle or brutal or BOTH. If you want to determine who the aspiring tyrants are in a given society, and who they intend to oppress, look around to […]