Archive for the 'Due Process' Category
The resistance is taking root
Monday, April 27th, 2020Resist. It‘s all horseshit. Resist.
Thursday, April 9th, 2020Who stood to gain by panicking the nation & shutting down our entire economy, over an epidemic that will likely kill fewer Americans than the ‘regular old flu’?
Friday, March 20th, 2020Shall the Senate now call ‘witnesses’? What, exactly, will such disgraced Swamp Dwellers have ‘witnessed’?
Wednesday, January 29th, 2020The U.S. Senate now approaches what would normally be the end of its deliberations on the thoroughly unconstitutional, totally lacking-in-due-process “case” which partisan House Democrats have constructed for removing popular and successful President Donald Trump (rather than waiting nine months to see if they can get him out through the far riskier strategy of, you […]
Chances of those ’17 errors and omissions’ all breaking at random against Trump? 130,000-to-one
Saturday, December 14th, 2019Suppose for a moment you’re the manager of a Las Vegas casino. One evening, the pit boss who’s supposed to be supervising one of your roulette croupiers is taken suddenly ill -– doctors later report someone slipped him a non-fatal but quick-acting poison on his last meal break.
Will ALL the Democrats follow Nancy and her incubi down the path to annihilation?
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019We generally don’t “write our congresscritter” — wiser heads including Claire Wolfe and Neil Smith having warned us years ago “It only encourages them.”
If ‘No one is above the law,’ why aren’t any of the coup plotters in jail?
Saturday, July 27th, 2019Truly Donald Trump is blessed in his enemies. Successful politicians of any party used to be generally cheerful, gregarious types, relatively tall, perky and handsome, the kind of hail-fellows (or gals) well-met you’d generally welcome to liven up a backyard barbecue, folks at least able to PRETEND your problems are their problems and nothing is […]
The most important thing you can do this Fall
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018Let’s face it, the most important thing you can do this Fall to preserve common decency in America and the reasonably civil, non-violent Constitutional republic we knew before the Far left turned into deranged, foam-at-the-mouth savages on Nov. 8, 2016, is to make sure Donald Trump has a stronger Republican Congress to back him up […]
I’ll never forget them, those rutting sluts
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018I didn’t think I’d ever tell the tale of the most shameful episode of my youth — an experience so traumatic that it’s often prevented me from performing as a man should, in intimate circumstances, even decades later.